The Architectural Group
The Creative Technology Accelerator

This project portfolio shows TAG’s award winning design proficiency and range


The Creative Technology Accelerator
Location: tech town campus, dayton, Ohio


LEED Gold Certified*
2009 Dayton Builder's Exchange Green Building Award
2010 AIA Dayton Focus on Design Merit Award for Sustainable Design 2010 Masonry Institute Honor Award for Excellence in Masonry

*The first LEED Gold Certified building in the City of Dayton!

The CTA building is a technology based office building, the first of many planned for the former automotive plant brownfield redevelopment site called Tech Town on the east side of downtown Dayton, Ohio.

The CTA building has been designed to include many energy efficient strategies.  Included among these is a highly efficient building energy system and envelope design that officially received 7 of 8 possible LEED Credit points for optimizing energy performance.  This is equivalent to an annual energy cost savings of over 32% when compared to a conventionally designed building. Additionally, the use of low VOC and regionally based building materials and water conserving landscaping are among many other environmentally positive features of the building.



(click for larger image)


(click to learn more about some of the strategies used to earn the LEED Gold rating)


(click to see time-lapsed photographs of the construction process)




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